environmental health

How to improve environmental health:
Before discussing details of how can we improve our environmental health, let us know what is environmental health.
Environmental health is a science and art in achieving a balance between the environment and humans, also the arts in environmental management so that conditions can be achieved that are clean, healthy, comfortable and safe environment, and avoid the disruption of various diseases.
Environmental Health Sciences studies the dynamics of interactive relationships between population groups with various changes in environmental components that pose a threat / potentially disrupt public health.
Environmental condition
The quality of the environment is determined by the structure and culture of production, the characteristics of the distribution of productive forces, as well as geographical location and climatic- conditions.
The environmental quality in a city is determined by the pollution of air and water basins, the use of urban land, the disposal of production and consumption waste, the state of green spaces and many other factors. The nature of pollution and their consequences differ in their natural environments - atmospheric air, surface and underground waters, soils, green spaces.
Air pollution is formed under the influence of the transfer of pollutants from neighboring territories, as well as under the influence of emissions from mobile and stationary sources. The main part of air pollution is caused by vehicles; therefore, air is especially heavily polluted near highways with heavy vehicle traffic.
The condition of soils is of great importance for assessingthe ecological state of a given territory, since soils are of interest as an integral indicator of the ecological state of the environment and as a source of secondary pollution of the surface layer of the atmosphere, surface and ground waters. In terms of prevalence and toxicological effects, soil pollution with inorganic and organic toxicants is distinguished. The level of soil pollution is extremely heterogeneous and is determined both by historical factors associated with the development of the city.
Green spaces perform a variety of functions, the main of which are: improving the air basin of the city by absorbing carbon dioxide and oxygen, reducing city noise, dust and gas pollution, and improving the microclimate by lowering the ambient temperature in hot weather due to evaporation of moisture, protection from winds, the release of phytoncides by plants - special volatile substances that can kill pathogenic microbes,

Ways to improve environmental health:
Improving drinking water and sanitation and using clean cooking fuels, combined with immunization and mosquito nets, have reduced infectious diseases such as malaria and diarrhea. Infectious diseases were once the number one cause of death related to the environment.
Now we need to do more to prevent non-communicable diseases.
At present, countries have invested very little in primary prevention strategies such as active transport networks that are good for walking and cycling, and on average only account for 3% of health expenditures. If countries shift resources from disease treatment to disease prevention, such as by adopting stricter emission standards to reduce air pollution, you can immediately see a decline in health care costs because fewer emergency visits occur during air pollution warning .
Usually, we don't talk much about air pollution.
But in fact we should discuss these, because the air we breathe daily is slowly killing us.
I live in a city where no proper planning concerning such issues, sanitation, air pollution, noise or soil pollution, etc. All these issues are serious threat to environmental health.
All actions we need to take-but in addition to improving air quality through urban greening and growing food in cities, we also need to cut off the flow of toxic pollutants at the source. Industry, enterprises and the private sector need to abandon the production of large quantities of low-quality, difficult-to-preserve products in favor of high-quality products that can be preserved for long periods of time. Put sustainability and quality first, and not just focus on yield.
Instead of waiting for air pollution to suffocate us, let us return to ourselves and use the magic of "planting". Green urban environment is more suitable for human life. Starting from placing balcony flower pots, let us gradually enjoy the clean air.

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